HYDRO SHIELD protects marble, granite, natural stone and general masonry surfaces such as, stone cladding, concrete, pavers and rnarble cernent/resin agglornerates frorn water, rnoisture and general stains such as of dirt, mould and mildew. The water/dirt repellent action is due to its technologically advanced forrnulation, protecting deep inside the stone pores for a long period of tirne. HYDRO SHIE LD does not change the natural aspect of the stone or to the sanded grout surface and it will not create any type of filrn or plastic effect, while allowing vapour to escape, UV resistant.
Directions for use: Apply by cloth, brush or spray HYDRO SHIELD uniformly on a clean and dry surface. If applied by spray, remove any air bubbles. For absorbent materials; After a curing time of 5/6 hours, apply a second coat in a different direction to the first. We suggest to allow 12- 24 hours, curing tirne before resurning norrnal use of the treated surface.
Coverage per lit:
High Porosity Surface 3-5 m2
Mediurn Porosity, Honed Stone 4-6 m2
Low PorosityStone 16-20 rn 2
Art No. : 66015, Vol. : 1 Ltr., Pcs x Cr : 12